Viola firmly believes that we are the sum of our experiences. Her experiences led her toward the path of sustainability and entrepreneurship.

She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Education and started her first job in Human Resources. Shortly after, her role changed from administration to project management for HR/IT projects.

Initially, only in her personal life, sustainability became part of her DNA. However, the desire to turn this passion into a profession was born shortly thereafter. That's why she now uses her experience in project management, digitalization, and sustainability to lead the ClimateTech startup sustamize together with her co-founders and team.

At sustamize, she is responsible for the sales and marketing team and activities. sustamize focuses on enabling manufacturing companies to measure, optimize and manage their carbon footprint, especially at the product level, with their Product Footprint Engine, a dynamic and intelligent carbon database.

Interests: Acting, workout, and her two bunnies

Organization: sustamize

Follow: LinkedIn, LinkedIn for sustamize